• Artist: NSvendor Press
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    Book details
    Title Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family, Die Gestaltung Der Feste Im Jahres Und Lebenslauf In Der SS Familie
    Author/Editor Fritz Weitzel
    Language English translation with additions by Charles Barger and German Original
    Genre Traditions, Pagan, Occult
    Pages 141
    Black/White illustrations on 44 pages
    Format A5
    Cover Hardcover
    Condition New
    Volumes (Parts) 1
    Book Edition details
    Publication date 1939
    Edition First edition
    Edition date 1939
    PrePublisher Morning Star
    Printed date 2018
    Shipping & Handling Time
    Paperback Approximate Weight 250 gr
    Hardcover Approximate Weight 340 gr
    Handling time 5 business days
    Standard shipping 3-6 weeks (depends on destination and other factors that not depends on us)
    Express shipping Write a message. Usually, we use DHL (1-4 business days, depends on destination).

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